Saturday, August 27, 2011

Life's Little Lessons

It's okay to cry its okay to fall,
Just remember to get back up.
Its okay to cry, its okay to fall,
But remember to keep standing tall.
Don't let the world bring you down,
Don't hold on to unhappiness,
Laugh way too much,
Love every chance,
Temember that giving is better than getting
Dance in the rain,
Sleep til' noon,
And say what you mean, and mean what you say...
Hold on tight, don't let go.
Even when it hurts and you'll know,
It's okay to cry and its okay to hurt...
Just remember to get back up when you fall...

Somewhere along the way we have all felt the undertow of life.  The unresolvable feeling that the world is crashing in, that everthing around us seems to be falling apart.  No matter the reason, no matter the circumstances, everyones world has some turmoil.  So what separates those who withstand and those who give up?  There are those who lift their head and go on.  There are those that say all of my tomorrows are not worth the sorrows of my yesterdays.  There is a new sunrise tomorrow and a new sunset yet to come and I refuse to miss it....
Those who have come and gone before us, Im sure would say that wasting life on worries isn't worth the time.  This life is suprising yet complex, you never know whats around the corner..if tomorrow will come or not.. 

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